Before Purchase

How to shop?

1. 建立帳戶


第1步: 將鼠標移至網站右上角然後按「帳戶」
第2步: 點擊「註冊」
第3步: 輸入個人資料
第4步: 點擊「提交」

2. 訂購貨品


第2步: 點擊「查看購物車」
第3步:於「購物車」頁面確認所揀選的貨品及數量, 並點擊「結帳」
第5步: 最後「立即訂購」

3. 確認訂單


4. 預留商品

如果看到心儀貨品但不想立即購買,你可以先加入購物車或收藏清單,但是, 我們不會為您預留商品,您儲存在收藏清單及購物袋內的商品會一直保存,除非售罄。即使您已加到購物袋,其他顧客亦可購買這些商品。

5. 收藏清單


How to become a member?

How to become a member?


AmazeJW International Limited 保留隨時更改或終止各項優惠及不時修改有關優惠及服務之條款、細則及有效日期之權利。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。


1. 獲取最新 AmazeJW 品牌產品及代理產品信息
2. 定期獲得特別優惠
3. 優先有機會參與會員活動
4. 會員生日優惠或禮品



1. Payment methods
Paypal: T3PV3854LWMN4 Payme
FPS轉數快: 4858676 2nd account: 67767899
銀行過數 HSBC: AmazeJW International Limited 819 849126 001
Hang Seng: AmazeJW International Limited 395-684590-883

2.Is it safe to use credit card for payment?
您可以放心,這是絕對安全。因為信用卡公司都使用加密的伺服器來處理有關 的付款,而且信用卡的資料不會儲存於我們的伺服器中。
It is safe. Since the credit card company uses an encrypted server to process the relevant payment, and the credit card details will not be stored on our server.

3.Confirm payment
When your order is paid successfully, you will receive a confirmation email. Once receiving your order, we will arrange delivery.成功後會您會收到系統的 電郵確認,收到用戶的訂單後,我們會安排商品發貨


送貨上門 順豐站自取/智能櫃自取 親身我們的門市自取 (免運費) 如果送貨地址為香港的偏遠地區,我們或會增加送貨費用。偏遠地區包括:馬 灣、赤鱲角、香港迪士尼樂園、愉景灣、昂平360、長洲、大嶼山、梅窩、大 澳、坪洲、南丫島
Delivery to door, pick up at S.F store, pick up at parcel locker, pick up at our store (no shipping fee) are available.
We will increase the shipping cost for extended area. Extended areas include: Ma Wan, Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong Disneyland, Discovery Bay, Ngong Ping 360, Cheung Chau, Lantau, Mui Wo, Tai O, Ping Chau and Lam Kam Island

2. Pick up at S.F Parcel Locker
2Once your order(s) arrive your selected Locker, SF Express will send you an SMS with a login code. You need to pick up the item within two days.
2. 到智能櫃觸碰屏幕並輸入取件碼
2. Enter the 6-digit code from SMS and click “Pickup”.
3. 櫃門會自動打開
3. Locker’s door will be opened automatically and you can then collect your parcel(s).
4. 核對無誤後,關好智能櫃的櫃門
4. Make sure you collect the right item, then close the locker’s door.
取貨方式 Pick-up methods

3. Delivery fees 每單均需收取HKD$100運費,換而言之,您消費金額愈高,運費自然愈化算。 你亦可以選擇順豐到付,運費則視乎貨品及目的地計算。
Each order is subject to a charge of HKD$100. In other words, the higher the amount you spend, the more economical the shipping costs will be.
You can also choose S.F deliver, shipping fee are calculated based on the weight of the goods and destination.
4. 下單後多久才會收到商品?
How long does it take to receive my order? 如果你選擇送貨上門,需要2-5個工作天才會收到貨品,視乎貨品供應情況; 如果你選擇親自到辦公室取貨,最快1個工作天便可以取貨
If you wish to deliver to the door, it may take 2-5 working days to receive the item. If you wish to pick up your order at our shop, it takes 1 working day.
5. 下單後缺貨
Out of stock after placing an order
如若在下單後出現缺貨,我們將以電郵另行通知客戶。因缺貨而導致的退款將 會安排於 7 個工作天內退回支付訂單之信用卡。
If the product is out of stock after placing the order, you will receive an email. Refunds due to out of stock will be refunded within 7 working days and return to the credit card of the order.
6. Shop address
門市地址:香港新界荃灣沙咀道68-76號大成大廈20樓E室 辦公時間: 星期一至五 10:00-13:00 及 14:00-19:00 星期六、日及公眾假期休息
Shop address: Flat E, 20th Floor, Tai Shing Building, 68-76 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong
Office hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

Special delivery

1. 凡沒有升降機服務之送貨地址,送貨服務只限於地下以上三層之樓層。
2. 如有任何特別送貨需要,請於付款流程中「送貨時間」一頁的「特別送
3. 下單後,送貨地址或選擇之送貨時段如有任何變更,請即時通知我們,
1. If the delivery address has no lift service, the delivery only available from ground floor to third floor.
2. If you have any special delivery requirements, please indicate in the “Special Delivery Requirements” section of the “Delivery Time” page of the payment process. We will call you for detailed arrangements.
3. After the order is placed, if there is any change in the delivery address or the selected delivery time, please notify us immediately.
No ref

Roles of return

為您提供「30天退換貨服務」。您可以在收貨日期起 30 天內,退換您購買的 商品。
除註明「不設退換」的商品外,所有商品均可安排更換一次,而更換後的商品 則不再接受退貨或再次更換。
如退回不符合退換條件的商品,我們將會以平郵方式退回給您。如您要求以其 他方式退回有關商品,您須要承擔額外的運費。
We offer “30 days return product” service. You can return your product within 30 days starting on the day you receive your order.
All items can be returned once, except for those that are marked as “no return”. After that, items will no longer be returned once more time.
If your returned items do not meet the return conditions, we will return them to you by ordinary post. If you request to return the item in other ways, you will be asked for additional shipping costs.

Finish Buying


為您提供「30天退換貨服務」。您可以在收貨日期起 30 天內,退換您購買的商品。